Thursday, March 24, 2011

No Words

I know the coming questions are inevitable. How was your Spring Break? What was it like? What did you learn?

But when I search my throat for answers, no words appear. Just images:

A city divided by steel. Our humanity divided along with it.

Heads bowed in unison, mouths breathing words of gratitude.

The limp of swollen feet, damage only the Sonora desert can do.

Pictures of time here swim alongside so many stories. I leave you only with what my camera could capture.

(El Comedor)

(Jesus Eats at El Comedor)

(A set table)

(Love and Food Await You Here)

(Comedor Cat)

(Rest at Albergue Don Bosco)


("Fronteras: Cicatrizes en la Tierra"/"Borders Are Scars in the Earth")

-Kate Morgan-Olsen, March 2011

1 comment:

  1. Brenda shared the "Fronteras: Cicatrizes en la Tierra" photograph with me the first time she volunteered. I'll never forgot it. Still hits me like a rock. I hope to join you two someday in healing those scars.

